Advancing Education

1. Successful efforts to increase educational attainment for girls, particularly to secondary school, must be scaled up. [See also Orphans and Vulnerable Children] Studies and surveys found that in some regions girls lag behind boys in educational attainment.

Gap noted, for example, in 11 DHS countries (Hargreaves and Glynn, 2002; World Bank, 2002 cited in Global Campaign for Education, 2004).  

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2. Interventions are needed for school children that suffer from violence on the way to or at school. [See also Addressing Violence Against Women] Studies found that girls suffer from violence both on the way and at school.

Gap noted, for example, generally (WHO, 2006 cited in USAID, 2008a; USAID, 2008a). Increased recognition of sexual harassment by students was found in Ghana, but no HIV related outcomes were studied (USAID, 2008a).

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